Friday, February 15, 2008


Recently I have had some encounters with the people of Albany and their license plates. I understand the appeal of vanity plates. My own grandfather has one. On a side note, if you see IdaAl 9 chugging down the road, say hello. I think it's become a bit overkill, however. These are the plates that I have recently scene:

-IBODADDY--> perhaps, "I be your daddy?" either a stirring confession from one man to his long lost son/or daughter or some guy who never got over the Whose Your Daddy era of jokes.

-MITUL--> someone who was unable to pronounce the name Mitchell maybe.

and then I spotted the ultimate vanity plate as I was walking through the parking lot at school.

-TMYPCKLS--> There is only one solution to this one. Tommy Pickels. of Rugrats fame someone was a diehard fan. So much so that they needed to make sure that everyone knew. How great.

I will update this as I see them! If you see them, let me know. I will add them.